Thursday, November 1, 2012

South Auckland eLearning Cluster Meeting

Rosehill Intermediate School

A small but lively group from the cluster turned up to the last meeting of the year.  A huge thank you to Rosehill Intermediate for hosting and for a fantastic afternoon tea.  From the start there was a lively discussion around the following topics/products/services.

Greg and Mary from TTS shared their wealth of knowledge about all things to do with digital technologies in schools.


The suggestion was to set up internal firewalls once we have wireless - not rely Watchdog etc especially once students start bringing their own devices.

Advice and suggestions around BYOB bring your own browser
  • see volume purchase programme below
  • place apps on iTunes accounts
  • app place workload
    • work back from the learning outcome, what app would be best to achieve this.
    • flip Blooms Taxonomy
  • mobile device management - for school apps
    • Apple only mdm
    • Hosted mdm (expensive)
    • purchase shared apps as part of class stationery
    • governance pov not allowed to touch others byod.
  • insurance
    • contents insurance covers it.
    • different models eg buying off a trust.
  • Starwalker app
Worth reading through and seeing where your school lies within the matrix.  Then compare as you are further along your e-Learning journey

School Facebook Page  - a powerful way for the greater school community to be aware of what is happening in and around school.

The discussion around the Apple Volume Purchase Programme was lively. The importance of supporting app developers was strongly stated and the following points were also raised.
  • easy to sign up then...
  • 50% discount when you buy 20 + apps.
  • apple apps eg pages, keynote, etc, some smaller ones have not opted in.
  • every time you use an app 5 x, a message is sent to apple.
  • license!!!!
  • charge as part of stationery.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The feedback on meetings this term is that this one tomorrow will be our last one for the year as everyone will be too busy later.

So, please try to make it tomorrow to Rosehill Intermediate at 3.30pm for a cuppa, and 3.45pm for a start.

We'll share any Smackdowns that people have to show, plus get an update from Rosehill on their e-learning journey, and continue our discussion about iPads and other devices, volume purchasing for schools, and BYOD and implications etc.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

COMMENT: Schools must embrace mobile technology if they are to improve learning outcomes and make the most of their budgets, says Gareth Davies

Tablets will be the next big thing in schools.

The education sector lags behind others in the effective use of data
Consider the data that Facebook or Google have on you.  Now imagine having that richness of data, but all centred on the learner’s educational profile rather than their social profile.  Imagine the insights you could get. Teachers will be able to get an understanding of their students in a way they have never been able to experience before, providing sparks of creativity for the teacher as they look for new and interesting ways to engage the class based on its own unique and individual profile. Technology in education will have a profound impact over the next ten years.  It has always showed promise, but we are now on the cusp of a revolution.
Cloud-based learning
Cloud-based anytime anywhere learning is a brilliant option for schools that have the bandwidth to support 1,300 students when they all log on simultaneously at 9am in the morning.

 What are our thoughts on this, I wonder?

Here is the whole article:

Friday, June 8, 2012

Our next meeting is Thursday next week (Week 8) 14 June at Mangere Bridge School, at 3.30pm for a cuppa, with a meeting start at 3.45pm.

2 Domain Road  Mangere Bridge  (09) 636 7304

We are looking forward to hearing Mangere Bridge share their e-learning journey, as well as the opportunity to share a few more Smackdowns.  There will also be time for discussion on topics of interest.

Don't forget to use our blog for any comments you want to post or respond to.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

Next meeting: Thursday May 10 at Puhinui School, 116 Puhinui Rd, Papatoetoe @ 3.30pm for a cuppa, with a meeting start at 3.45pm.

We will have a trial of Smackdown as suggested at the Papatoetoe South meeting in February - 2 minute presentations of an app, a site, a process, an idea etc...
That means - if you have an app, a site, a process, or an idea that you are excited about - SHARE IT for 2 minutes.
Bring your enthusiasm, and something to share or discuss. See you there. (and on the blog)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Next Meeting, W8, T1

Next meeting
Term 1, Week 8 - Thursday 22nd March
@ St Joseph’s School in Otahuhu. 
Time: 3.30pm for a cuppa, then a start at 3.45pm to finish by 5pm.

Come and join us. We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Last meeting and Next Meeting

I can't believe how fast this term is going. My apologies for not getting on this blog sooner.

We had a fantastic meeting at Papatoetoe South on 16 February. Thanks Mark, for your inspiring talk on 21st Century classrooms, and Greg, for putting together an awesome presentation of some of the things happening at Papatoetoe South School.

The following notes were taken by Megan from Puhinui:

South Auckland ICT Cluster Meeting – 16/02/12

The need to create exciting learning spaces – inviting 21st Century spaces (conversation pits, lofts, cushions, quiet areas, ‘caves & watering-holes’)

· What do we want to explore as a group this year? Ways of using ICT to extend deeper thinking; further guest speakers (could be education or product); sharing how software, apps, tools etc are being used in schools; ‘smackdown’ (2 min sharing of predetermined ideas); create a list of blogs, twitter names, wikis, skype names etc, for opening up different ways of sharing information, experiences, and thinking.

. An increasing number of schools are using different LMS formats to support student learning, including: Moodle; Google docs; Knowledge net; Ultranet; blogs; wikis.

· Explore goal setting (in blog format), no matter how small.

· Quad blogging ( Schools are connected with three other schools in the world to explore learning.

· Congratulations to Rachel from Waiuku on her Core eFellowship. She will be exploring ICT and behaviour.

· Ministry has paid for the Lion upgrade. See Yoobee (Renaissance) and remember to fight for it free of cost (contract is only for 3 more months).

· Next meeting: Term 1, week 8;,Thursday 22nd March at St Joseph’s in Otahuhu.

So, everyone, come along to our next meeting - be part of the ICT revolution in South Auckland. Your ideas, your enthusiasm, your experimenting, your discoveries, and your refusal to get bogged down by the SYSTEM - will prevail!

Our group is like a living, breathing organism - it's starting to take on a life of its own, but it's only as strong as the enthusiasm of each member. Go for it!
