Friday, August 22, 2014

ICT Cluster meeting at Manurewa East. 7/8/14

ICT Planning ahead ...where to next? Decisions to be made.

ICT provides the digital tools to help make the pedagogy work. Teachers need PD in ICT and pedagogy to be able to make the best use of the technology.

Look at TKI e learning planning document. Link:

Choose questions from TKI survey to ask staff about their ICT level. Say we are just seeking data so we can personalise your ICT PD.

Working with technology and e learning not just for e learning classes but the whole school. Teachers are on a learning journey, as are students.

Now is the best time to start on ICT PD because the infrastructure is established, (fibre, UFB, fast wireless etc)

Gradual move to cloud based technology. Start looking at options.
Cloud based options: there are many but here are a few. Google Apps, Office 365, iCloud.
IPad/tablet cloud based apps such as Edmodo, Evernote.

Storybook on-line - worth looking at.
Twitter is a good source of e learning help. Follow educationalists like Kevin Honeycutt
Also #edchatnz

Barriers/solutions to ICT development:
Need for teacher PD. One idea: Have an ICT component on teacher appraisals.

Need time to explore and become confident and familiar with programs/apps,
Confidence in using devices - comes with practice.

Availability of devices - home and school - BYOD or provide, or both? Parent rent to buy options. Zero interest store specials. Parents qualify for school discounts through TTS.

Lack of internet access and parent support at home still a problem for some.

Ability to relate digital technology to current pedagogy. ICT is the tool - needs to be driven

Connectivity ..need time to buddy up with colleagues and mentors ...enthusiasm spreads!
Not hierarchical change but teachers working with teachers.

Upskilling parents of kids ...Finlayson Park School has been running after-school parents classes for 10 years. Parents are more computer literate and more involved in kids' school work. Offering free internet for close families.

Digital books v libraries v internet. Changing habits and preferences of each generation. Digital natives more likely to choose technology.

Chromebooks v iPads; tablets v laptops. Chromebooks are well suited to cloud technology, especially Google Apps, but iPads are excellent tools in different situations- open ended/ creation apps best.  Give kids the choice of device for a purpose and let them make mistakes. Kids should be working with different devices for different purposes.

Need to develop a culture of collaborative learning.
Transformational learning - look for personal transformational moments.
A whole bunch of new literacies emerging.

We need to be developing collaborative, creative students for future workforces!

Next meeting Week 8 at St Josephs Otahuhu. Thursday 11 September. Details later. Please mark it in your diaries.
