Friday, June 5, 2015

ICT Cluster Meeting 7 May at Flatbush School Thursday 7 May

Schools: Flat Bush, Fairburn Rd, Redoubt North, St Josephs Otahuhu, Papatoetoe South, Puhinui, Randwick Park, Manurewa Central 

Flatbush journey - Emily
1:2 ratio chromebooks, iPads, laptops, touch screens
Using google docs - 3rd year
hapara plus google classroom - like e portfolio

Discussion on different situations in different schools
Range between 5 per room to 1:2 or in some parts of the school 1:1 iPads
1:1 schools saw greater responsibility from students about looking after the devices.

When there are 1:1 devises kids take much better care of them
New word! Googleised :)

Any issues or topics that you would like explored at this meeting.

Any apps or ideas that you or your school have found useful, that you would like to share with the group:
iPad Apps - Aurasma - augmented reality
         Explain Everything
Tumble books - Auckland Library
Encyclopedia Britannica
NZ Teachers(Primary) Facebook Page
Khan Academy - charge
Typing club- free typing skills, help with spelling
Ed Alive - Typing Tournament
BBC Schools
Poplet - Mind mapping - good for younger children
Skoolbo - needs to be set up as a whole school thing - It is free & web based 

Steve to report back on the GAFE Summit he attended at Albany Senior High during the holidays:

Keynote: Dr John Bailey

The internet is changing the world around us, and how we see the world (eg: Google Earth, Google Maps, Street View etc) .  Student view: Google Cardboard
Google is changing education, how students learn, and how we manage the internet.

Martyn Hughes/ Steve Voisey:
We all need to be responsible for and comfortable with technology - the challenge.
Think digital
Students and parents can be empowered
Kids and adults are in a new partnership
Make technology easy to use - challenge
Growing up digital: 

Chris Bell:
Making a ‘yes’ culture: ‘Yes and...’ not - ‘yes but….’
Future ready schools
Take risks - explore - empower
Inspire and be inspired. Empower teachers to empower students
Use Youtube to help students learn. 
Tutorials for staff
iPads: App: Explain Everything

Schools should be built around trust and empowering.

Some presentations and resources:

Google 101

Google Goodies

Google Apps and Tricks

Google and the iPad

Virtual Field Trips

Connecting the Dots: Using Hapara and starting a 1:1 classroom

Setting up individual student blogs

Thinking and ICT:
Making Thinking Visible
Critical Thinking
The Right Question is Andy
Plus and

There is much more that I haven’t fully digested and don’t have time to include.
Just an awesome two days.

We are now working on Google docs at our meetings. If you have a google account you can share in the discussion using this doc. ( if not don’t worry, you can still share).  Let me know if your school email is a google account, or if you have a google account and we can share it with you. 

The next meeting will be at Manurewa Central School Thursday 11 June, with a cuppa at 3.30 and a meeting start at 3.45pm.